52 Vintage-Style Campers

Bed, place for your belongings and a lock for a worry-free night’s sleep.

Revive 66 currently has 52 beds (personal solar powered campers) serving our first campground in Springfield, MO. As donations to build more come in, we can add because we hate turning people away. The demand is great and we strive to keep adding to our RV park to be able to house more people overnight.

Revive 66

Revive 66 Campground Amenities

Restroom, shower, laundry with grill & snack bar.

Revive 66
Revive 66
Shower House
Shower House
Revive 66
Laundry Trailer
Laundry Trailer
Revive 66
Snack Shack
Snack Shack
Revive 66
Personal RV
Personal RV
Revive 66
Gated RV Park
Gated RV Park

Can’t afford $10 a night?

We rely on donations to cover campers in need.